Looking for laptop desk with specific requirements
February 15, 2024 12:28 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a laptop desk, ideally with both a tapered cushion underneath and legs that fold out, with no specific mousepad, and with a stopper thing on the top surface closest to me.

I have a laptop desk, but the bottom cushion drives me bonkers with free-floating pellets inside. It ends up tilting down away and I don’t want the laptop to slide off if I place it aside to get up. It’s hard to arrange the cushion with the laptop on it, so that the surface is lower under the front edge of the laptop.

I’m looking for:

Can place on lap, with a cushion or cushions such that the cushion is taller under the surface away from me and shorter under the surface closer to me, so I can use it cross-legged with it on my legs

Can accommodate a bigger laptop

No mousepad area

Raised bar near me so that laptop doesn’t slide off towards me

Bonus: legs that u fold out to the sides so that I can sit beneath it without it being on my legs, if I want.

I’m not looking for any sort of table that has legs or rollers that can be rolled under a couch or bed.
posted by SillyShepherd to Work & Money (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

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