Masks of Nyarlathotep & Other Non-Fantasy Actual Play Podcasts
February 6, 2024 3:31 PM   Subscribe

Looking for recommendations for non-D&D/Pathfinder/Fantasy actual play podcasts. Preference given to Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu, especially Masks of Nyarlathotep campaigns.

I'm already familiar with Pretending to Be People's podcast (First season, very good, second one sort of lost me) and Glass Cannon's MoN (First season, frustrating) but otherwise I'm wide open to suggestions.
posted by Alvy Ampersand to Media & Arts (8 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I don't have any specific recommendations but know that the RPPR (Roleplaying Public Radio) podcast did a lot of Delta Green oneshots if I remember correctly. I hope they will scratch a certain itch, even if it's not quite MoN.
posted by Alensin at 4:50 PM on February 6 [1 favorite]

Maybe some on this page? Many are YouTube videos rather than podcasts, but others are audio.
posted by Pryde at 6:24 PM on February 6

Twelve Sided Stories. They typically do 10-12 episode arcs in a game, sometimes revisiting for another "campaign." Tightly edited, good sound effects, a diverse, rotating cast but with a stable of recurring players.

Lots of CoC games, although as a heads up it's often not "straight" in the sense of full Lovecraft, there can be a lot other weirdness in a season. I'd recommend Other World Seattle as a good starting point. I like their Night's Black Agents and Vampire runs too.

They have a good Delta Green show but unfortunately it is Patreon only.
posted by mark k at 11:19 PM on February 6 [1 favorite]

I'll recommend Nobody Wake The Bugbear's different Mothership campaigns, and the Two Past Midnight Twilight 2000 4th ed campaign. Both are pretty roleplay-heavy with good players.
posted by Harald74 at 12:31 AM on February 7 [1 favorite]

Stream of Blood's Neptune Society, Good Time Society's The Calyx, and Bookshops of Arkham from the official Chaosium channel.

The first two are anthology series so you can skip around though there will be 2-3 episode miniseries with the same cast.
posted by juv3nal at 3:54 AM on February 7 [1 favorite]

Oh I spaced on the preference for Masks. There's also this if that's what you're looking for which I remember being ok though not sure if I finished it.
posted by juv3nal at 8:15 PM on February 7 [1 favorite]

I have an exact answer for you!

The podcast The Old Ways run Call of Cthulhu are are currently airing two ongoing serials side-by-side. One is The Masks of Nyarlathotep and the other is Murder on the Orient Express. They're good role-players and the campaigns are quite long-running.

Another great Call of Cthulhu podcast is The Apocalypse Players. These guys are excellent roleplayers and really bring the characters to life. Great production. Their format is to do "minseries" of each adventure, each consisting of about 5-10 episodes.

My very favourite actual play podcasts are Spout Lore and Crudely Drawn Swords, which are quest fantasy, but aren't very D&D-ish at all and have quite original world-building. They both use the Dungeon World system.

Some other podcasts I've listened to and loved, all non-D&D and non-traditional fantasy worlds:

- Lakeshore & Limbo: episodic urban fantasy comedy; playing Freeform Universal
- Wander and Roam: anthropomorphic animals on a journey, gentle and cozy; playing Wanderhome
- These Flimsy Rituals: epic fantasy but the worldbuilding is totally unlike generic fantasy; playing Blades in the Dark and Ryne
- Fun City: futuristic scifi/fantasy dystopia, comedic and dramatic; playing Shadowrun
posted by fire, water, earth, air at 9:14 PM on February 9 [1 favorite]

Oh forgot to mention the recently launched Graveyards of Arkham is a sort of sequel to Bookshops of Arkham with the same keeper and some overlapping but not identical cast.
posted by juv3nal at 11:57 PM on February 15 [1 favorite]

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