Printo Photos alongside GPS Map and (selected) EXIF Data
January 29, 2024 2:16 PM   Subscribe

Basically looking to see if there is any update to this question (How to print exif gps data on a photo).

I would like to be able to print a photo to PDF and have an annotation beside/below it showing selected EXIF data (date/time) and a GPS map with a dot showing where it was taken, or failing that the GPS EXIF data converted from LAT/LONG to City/State or some slightly more friendly value then just the raw coordinates.

Getting anywhere close would also be acceptable, i.e.g all in one tools that do the layout would be great, but something that exports to CSV is also acceptable if that's the only option.

Thanks hivemind!
posted by tiamat to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This seems like something Retrobatch should be able to do, although it's not immediately obvious how one would do it. However, it is extensible, and the author seems to be very responsive to ideas on the forums.
posted by adamrice at 2:57 PM on January 29

Response by poster: For anyone looking at this in the future, the best I could manage was to use BR EXIF Extractor to dump the EXIF data to CSV, and then I used Excel to modify the EXIF data columns into links to Google Maps. Not as shiny as I had hoped but enough that someone with no tech skills could look at a photo, find it in the list and then click to be taken to the map.
posted by tiamat at 11:34 AM on February 12

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