Pickled peaches: how to use?
January 4, 2024 5:23 AM   Subscribe

I previously gathered lovely peaches from a neighborhood tree and put the slices in apple cider vinegar to make peach-infused vinegar. Now that the vinegar is ready, I can take the fruit out. Do you have suggestions for what I can make with the leftover vinegar-pickled peaches? I am considering some kind of chutney -- any recommendations? Vegan or easily veganized suggestions/ recipes only, please. Thanks in advance.
posted by wicked_sassy to Food & Drink (6 answers total)
I think your instinct towards chutney is spot on. I'd swap out the tomatoes for your peaches in a recipe like this
posted by ananci at 5:45 AM on January 4 [1 favorite]

Could you slice them up and add them to a salad? Or a vegan 'charcuterie' board?
posted by guessthis at 5:57 AM on January 4

Pickled peach chutney. As the peaches are already pickled, I'd leave out the apple cider vinegar and use apple juice or more of the wine instead, and adjust for sweetness as the chutney cooks down.
posted by essexjan at 6:19 AM on January 4 [1 favorite]

You could also make a quick bread with them.
posted by OrangeDisk at 8:30 AM on January 4

Freeze them and use them in a smoothie. Also, I would totally enjoy eating a peach pie made with pickled peaches. In either case, I'd include a little salt to balance out the super sour/sweet flavor.
posted by Rykey at 12:01 PM on January 4

These on a sandwich , sound amazing.
posted by ReluctantViking at 3:07 PM on January 5 [1 favorite]

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