Online Spanish learning with graded exercises and 1:1 tutoring
December 16, 2023 9:23 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for recommendations for an online Spanish learning service that includes both a traditional coursebook with graded exercises and 1:1 live tutoring and conversation sessions.

There are lots of live tutoring services that don't have a traditional course component and are purely focused on conversation sessions. And there are lots of purely self-directed or group programs that don't have a private tutoring option. Neither of those are what this person wants.

The ideal setting would be something like a college-level Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202, etc series except with scheduled 1:1 tutoring, including feedback on assignments, live conversation, and the opportunity for learning some specialized vocabulary.

This person is smart and highly motivated to learn but succeeds best when there is a sense of structure and progression. They are coming into it from some high school Spanish, but having the option to start basically from scratch would be good.

Cost is essentially no object, but their schedule needs more flexibility than offered by, for example, community college courses, and they would much prefer a private tutoring environment.
posted by jedicus to Education (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
One option is just to find a tutor who is willing to do both conversational and workbook components. Many tutors work that way to begin with.

You'd probably want to schedule more hours a week than you would for just conversation or just textbook-based work.
posted by trig at 9:55 AM on December 16, 2023

Baselang isn’t far off that. Not graded homework, but a formalized curriculum with lesson plans, and tests at intervals. But taught through one-on-one online tutoring sessions. Maybe Baselang could be half of what they need, and they could find a parallel option for assigning and giving feedback on written work?

Edited to add link: Baselang
posted by LizardBreath at 12:33 PM on December 16, 2023 [3 favorites]

One option is just to find a tutor who is willing to do both conversational and workbook components. Many tutors work that way to begin with.
I know someone who could and might want to do this. Send me a pm if you are interested.
posted by melamakarona at 2:08 PM on December 16, 2023

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