Which Xbox should I get for older Call of Duty Games?
December 2, 2023 6:03 PM   Subscribe

I like the older World War II Call of Duty games. What's the best plan for getting them on Xbox?
posted by kirkaracha to Technology (2 answers total)

Both newest gen Xboxes look to have a lot of backwards compatibility with Call of Duty games. Probably best to get a used Xbox One, or if you really just want to play older ones, find a 360. Unless price is no issue; if not, just get the Series X.
posted by Teadog at 7:18 PM on December 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

Many of the older Call of Duty games are available to purchase digitally on the Xbox store. If you don’t already own the games on disc, buying an Xbox Series S for about $250 isn’t a bad option. The downside however is that the Series S doesn’t have an optical drive. I’ve been playing Modern Warfare 3 (2011 version) and Battlefield Bad Company 2 (from 2010) on the Series S and I’ve been happy with it. But to echo Teadog above, if price isn’t an option I’d go with the Series X.
posted by Mr Mister at 11:03 AM on December 4, 2023

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