Deebot DN622 vacuum robot won't charge, and the internet isn't helping.
November 17, 2023 9:56 AM   Subscribe

Our little Deebot has stopped charging. Every crappy SEO troubleshooting guide has the same tips, which haven't worked.

I went so far as to buy a new, perhaps sketchy battery off Amazon. When I plugged it in, the Deebot made the familiar "hey, I'm on" beep, and it registered that it was charging when I put it on the dock. I did a test run. It ran for a very short time before the light on it went red and it attempted to return to the dock. I left it to the charge. When I next looked at it (a few hours later, or maybe the next day), it was dead and unable to take a charge again.

Is there anything I can DIY try to fix this thing?
posted by HeroZero to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Best answer: We went through three Deebots with a similar issue and my best “DIY” solution for the first two breaking was to email them and ask politely for a replacement. By the time the third died, I went back to buying a Roomba.
posted by potent_cyprus at 10:25 AM on November 17, 2023

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