Apostilled birth certificate from Venezuela
November 15, 2023 7:51 AM   Subscribe

This is a simultaneously short and sweet question, but one that I can’t figure out for the life of me: I need to try to obtain an apostilled copy of a family member’s birth certificate from Venezuela for another country - but, since Venezuela has no consular services in the US at present - can’t seem to do so easily. Is there a firm, service or method I can use to obtain one without having to travel to Venezuela? (Which is, as understandable, highly discouraged at present moment!)

Adding to difficulty: Messages to the consulate in Canada and Mexico City went without reply.

And, yes, while I have a consular record of birth from the US, to my understanding, this third country ideally needs an apostilled copy of the original certificate from the originator country.
posted by pipian to Law & Government (1 answer total)
Here are a couple legal firms that offer this service (sending you an apostilled birth certificate directly from Venezuela). Those should give you search terms to find other options as well (assuming you can read Spanish).
posted by ssg at 11:22 AM on November 15, 2023

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