Well clamp my beams
November 13, 2023 11:08 AM   Subscribe

I want to find semi-permanent clamps that will go on slightly larger than 5 inch wide wooden beams (something like this Amazon link would be perfect and I thought was going to work but was ever so fractionally too small - like about 1/8 inch too small - and I just can't seem to find anything larger).

I could use woodworking c-clamps but I want something that isn't as quite as bulky or ugly and will be semi-permanent (will be taken on an off occasionally). I just can't seem to find anything bigger then 5 inches. Given I want to put a little rubber padding in as well to prevent damage to the wood I guess 5.5 inches is minimum size I need I'm not sure if that's the maximum size these top out at or if I am searching the wrong way

To be clear these are plain wooden beams (not I-beams) and I only have access to three sides of the beam (top of the beam goes into the ceiling but I have access to the bottom and at least a foot on the two sides). I'm using the clamps to mount relatively light things (think decorations, led lights, a disco ball and similar sorts of things etc.). I am not wanting to drill into the beams at all (a previous owner did and it started to split one beam) and just for various reasons and use cases don't want to use stick on hooks etc.)
posted by inflatablekiwi to Home & Garden (6 answers total)
Response by poster: This time I even managed to post this ask to the Green and not the Blue....sorry for polluting the front page for a few moments.....
posted by inflatablekiwi at 11:08 AM on November 13, 2023

I think you'll need what are called pipe clamps. You just buy the clamping ends as a set (one has a little plate lock in it, and will need some pipe hanging out the back end, and the other screws onto the threaded end of a piece of cast iron pipe and has an acme screw with a moving clamp end).

You will separately need to buy a piece of cast iron pipe (a TOE, threaded one end) in the length you want. You can buy a nipple off the shelf at any hardware store in certain length increments , and those will be TBEs, or threaded both ends, but you can either cut the thread off one end or leave it. They may not be what you're looking for aesthetically, though.
posted by AbelMelveny at 11:18 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: A quick search of ‘ xtra large clamps’ turned up these:
posted by TDIpod at 11:26 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Here's the same thing as you link to, but bigger (expensive though, unless you need stainless).
posted by ssg at 11:28 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: juts searching for " 6" Beam Clamp" got me a pretty good variety of results in that price range
posted by Dr. Twist at 11:44 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: You know I don't know how many times I searched on the weekend and I couldn't find any (I swear I did!). Thanks all. I found that changing my search from inches to mm suddenly I could find a whole lot more (160mm beam clamp etc.)
posted by inflatablekiwi at 12:10 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

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