How to return found airpod case to owner?
October 5, 2023 9:00 AM   Subscribe

I found an airpod case (Model number: A1938). Is there any way for me to get it back to the owner?

It was on public transport so worst case I can hand it in to lost and found. It doesn't seem to register when I wave it at an iphone in the findme app.
posted by onya to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Does the public transit company have a lost and found location? If so, I’d try to drop it off there with information about the bus, route, and location, or whatever relevant details you have. I’ve lost stuff on public transit before and that’s the first place I’d check!
posted by VirginiaPlain at 10:53 AM on October 5, 2023

Are the AirPods in it?

The older AirPod cases are basically just a battery charger, with very little smarts in them. The AirPods supply the brains of the operation—they have to be inside the charging case for the case to register with a phone.

If it’s just an empty case, then there’s very little that you’ll be able to do to identify the owner.

Best bet is the lost and found with the transport company, if there is one.
posted by vitout at 11:02 AM on October 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: the case is empty
posted by onya at 12:49 PM on October 5, 2023

There's no connectivity in that model of case that can help the owner locate it. The best you can do is turn it in to lost and found.
posted by michaelh at 9:31 PM on October 5, 2023

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