is there a way to block an entire area code's calls on my iphone?
August 29, 2023 10:36 AM   Subscribe

Recently I've been getting flooded with spam calls from a particular area code. The last 4 digits vary, so it's not of much utility to block the individual numbers; I imagine they have a lot of them. But I have no reason to ever want to get a call from this area code, and I'd love to block them all at once. Is there a way?

(I already have my phone set not to ring for unknown numbers, but that doesn't prevent my laptop from ringing; my car's audio from being interrupted when the call comes in, &c.) I'd like the entire apparatus never to go off when it's from this area code.
posted by fingersandtoes to Technology (2 answers total)
Best answer: Try out Number Shield. Although I don't know how it handles things like the integration the iPhone has with macOS (although it should work for CarPlay)
posted by dis_integration at 10:55 AM on August 29, 2023 [1 favorite]

I don't know of an app that will block an entire area code, but the standard recommendation to block spam callers is NoMoRobo. It's not free, but if it does what it claims then it will have fewer false positives and false negatives than blocking an area code.
posted by caek at 9:42 PM on August 29, 2023

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