Can I get back a LinkedIn post that failed to post?
August 17, 2023 9:34 AM   Subscribe

I just laboriously typed out a lengthy LinkedIn post, but when I clicked post, a red message appeared that said to try again. This was on my Pixel 6 using the Google keyboard. Sadly when I clicked post again, the draft was not saved. Is there a way to recover it? I suspect not, but would be immensely grateful if so.
posted by lookoutbelow to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
You can access the clipboard through the gboard keyboard app if that is what you are using. There may be a chance that it was saved to the clipboard? I would at least look there.

I use Swiftkey so this may not be relevant, but when similar events happen to me, if I start retyping the paragraph, the suggested text starts using the exact next word I wrote the last time.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 11:43 AM on August 17, 2023

Try using the browser's back button. It'll work on some sites but not others, which leads me to believe JavaScript is at fault if it's not there.
posted by rhizome at 1:33 PM on August 17, 2023

Response by poster: Unfortunately I hadn't saved in my clipboard nor did the back button work. I then discovered that there appears to be no way to save drafts in the mobile web version, unlike the desktop version. I've learned my lesson anyway. Sigh. Thanks all for your help.
posted by lookoutbelow at 4:57 AM on August 18, 2023

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