Can I find out how many members a dating app has in my area?
August 11, 2023 11:53 AM   Subscribe

Is it possible to find out how many members a dating app has within, say, 100 miles of me?

I live in a small town in rural Canada, and have repeatedly signed up for a popular dating app only to find out (once I've jumped through all the hoops) that it only has a handful of people (or none at all) within any kind of reasonable distance of me. I'd love to be able to know ahead of time if an app is worth the effort (and worth the risk of giving them a credit card number for a paid membership).

I am guessing this is impossible or extremely difficult (because why would a site reveal how poorly it was doing?), but thought I would give it a shot anyway.
posted by Mogur to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I don't think apps release these numbers (on purpose). I think your best bet is to go with whatever is biggest right now for your general demographic in your larger region or even, say, Canada as a whole. Many of these apps have free services, so you could sign up for a free account, set your mileage range to increasingly larger increments (start with maybe 20 miles?), and then see if you get more than a few matches.
posted by bluedaisy at 1:56 PM on August 11, 2023

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