Coping with neuropathic itches and tingles
August 11, 2023 5:40 AM   Subscribe

What self-help strategies can you recommend to deal with a neuropathic itch without a specific location?

I am a mid 50s cis woman, likely menopausal. I recently had an initial appointment with a neurologist to figure out a reason for some ongoing tingling and itching sensations and have several tests (MRI, nerve conduction studies, etc.) scheduled over the next month. As my stress level about this has increased, so has the intensity of the sensations - within a week they have shifted from tingling extremities to a diffuse itch that doesn't have a specific location, and at its very worst, a distressing sensation that kind of feels like I am about to sneeze or vomit or orgasm. This seems to come and go in waves - I'll be somewhere between uncomfortable and frantic for half an hour or so, then I'll be OK for several hours.

I have tried and had limited success with ice and guided breathing exercises.

I would love to hear any concrete strategies from folks who experience this kind of itch or work with people who do; speculating too much about causes at this point is likely to cause me to panic, but if you have resources for addressing panic in similar situations, I'd love to hear those too!
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Some folks swear by a shower with very hot water to give relief for a few hours.

Or, on the other hand, a very cold shower, or briefly submerging your face in cold water, can help with panic.
posted by mai at 6:45 AM on August 11, 2023

Not sure if you want to go the medication route, but pregabalin and gabapentin are often prescribed for neuropathic pain and they seem to also be effective at managing neuropathic itch, since it's the same system. They have some side effects but I am on pregabalin right now and it also helps with stress and getting a good night's sleep (though beware that higher doses can also make you sleepy).
posted by urbanlenny at 9:38 AM on August 11, 2023

To me, this sounds more like anxiety symptoms or atypical panic attacks, as opposed to neuropathic itch. Source: my history of anxiety, panic attacks, psychogenic tingling/itching, AND a neuropathic itch. Can you also get in with a psychiatrist, or ask your GP for their thoughts on psychological involvement, and what they'd be willing to prescribe until you can get a pdoc?

As you wait for appointments, I would try oral Benadryl if you haven't already, just in case. And if available, look into cannabis products, as there is some evidence for their use in neuropathic itching (obviously, some people with anxiety find relief from it too). Capsaicin cream is often used for fibromyalgia, and I might try that too; it's possible your itching is actually pain that is being misinterpreted.
posted by desert outpost at 3:37 PM on August 11, 2023 [2 favorites]

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