car diagnostic computer for a Subaru?
August 9, 2023 12:11 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone have a recommendation for a diagnostic computer with brake maintenance mode or a place where you go for recommendations? This is for a 2016 Outback.

I need to get new rear pads and rotors. If it weren’t for the electronic e-brake, I would already have done the work myself. I’m ok spending a bit more for something that will have a lot of use but also don’t want to break the bank.
posted by brilliantine to Technology (1 answer total)
In this video on rear brakes for a range of Outbacks including yours, the guy bought a kit (currently $24 on amazon) linked in the video description which lets you spin back the electronic ebrake using a kind of keyed disk attachment, and then you remove the disk and press in the caliper piston. (Up to you whether to open the brake system to the air first.)

I cued the video up to where he starts in on the ebrake/piston.
posted by Sunburnt at 1:01 PM on August 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

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