What was this book about financial responsibility and kids?
August 8, 2023 12:38 PM   Subscribe

What book did I read? It was a parenting book about money, the author was male, and it had a radical plan that involved increasing children's responsibility for finances to the point where the parents give teenagers all of the money for their living expenses, and the kids pay back 'rent' to their parents. What was the author and title? My library record is not helping.
posted by epanalepsis to Work & Money (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I'm so so sorry for what I'm about to say, but was it possibly Make Your Kids Pay Rent?
posted by bluedaisy at 1:36 PM on August 8, 2023

Was it maybe “The Opposite of Spoiled”, by Ron Lieber, NYT columnist?
posted by misterbrandt at 10:16 PM on August 8, 2023

Response by poster: It was neither of these books. If I remember correctly, the author was Christian, if that's helpful...
posted by epanalepsis at 4:12 PM on August 27, 2023

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