University of Benito Juarez
August 5, 2023 3:48 PM   Subscribe

I am seeking a list of faculty at the University of Benito Juarez in Oaxaca, Mexico, particularly in the Humanties and Soft Sciences.

Either my Spanish isn't as good as I thought or its not listed. If the latter perhaps because of the unpleasantness in 2006ish?
posted by falsedmitri to Education (1 answer total)
Best answer: The faculty list is for each school, faculty or department, like it would be at university in Canada or the US, so you need to check the ones that are relevant to your need.

Here, for example, are the faculty in economics and social sciences.

I can't find a page that lists schools, faculties, departments, etc. but if you check their degree offerings, the links go to each department. Some seem to list faculty, some don't (in which case you might want to ask).
posted by ssg at 4:56 PM on August 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

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