Identify this witch-hunt movie I watched last weekend on Tubi!
June 14, 2023 11:25 PM   Subscribe

So. I was staying at my friend's house without access to my usual streaming services and found a movie on Tubi to watch before bed. It turned out to be pretty good! BUT, I fell asleep before seeing how it ends, AND, it now seems to have been removed from Tubi's library! AND, Tubi apparently does not save your watch history if you're not signed in. ...and I forgot the title.

So I've been trying to track this down but it's been surprisingly difficult. I went through EVERY movie in Tubi's Horror, Thriller, etc. categories and it's no longer there. I found several sites which list movies being *added* to Tubi, but none listing those recently removed. I've reviewed the lists of all the relevant keywords on IMDB with no luck, though I did find another movie with an oddly similar plot: Neil Marshall's recent feature The Reckoning. It is definitely not this film, but they are so similar I would believe they were adapted from the same source material. But AFAICT The Reckoning is not an adaptation. My mystery movie:

-no older that the last 10 years
- set during the Black Death
- At the time I gathered it was in the American colonies, but now that I give it any thought I realize there was no plague in the colonies, nor any colonists at the time of the plague. So I guess the setting was Europe, but it must have been an American production as no one was making any effort to affect an English accent.
- The main character is a young woman who watches her single mother executed in front of her when it is discovered she has contracted the plague. The local Plague Doctor and Priest are apparently using this tactic to control its spread.
- Aforementioned Priest then tries to take advantage of the protagonist's situation by coercing her into marriage, but she refuses his advances.
- the rebuffed Priest then begins a campaign to convince the village that she is a witch because she has not contracted the illness herself.
- The Plague Doctor then subjects her to the usual battery of trials, including the Trial By Water and reciting the Lord's Prayer, which are complicated by the fact that she refuses to speak for reasons that were unclear to me (it is revealed partway in that she is capable of speech when she persuades a sympathetic villager to free her from her pillory in the town square.)
- [Can you spoil a film you can't identify? If so: SPOILER:] As it goes on the film reveals that she has in fact dabbled in some Dark Arts.
- Finally, I'm fairly certain the title of the film was the same title used by the Plague Doctor/executioner/inquisitor, something like The Inquisitor. [But not that.]

So, as you can see, from what I gathered in the trailer this is practically the same story as The Reckoning. But that movie looks bad, and this was actually quite good! I also came across the 2010 Sean Bean feature Black Death in my search, and it's definitely not that either.

From the context and the fact that it's poorly documented on IMDB I gather this was a lower-budget picture, but the production values were actually quite high - it certainly looked far less ridiculous than The Reckoning. So please, help me find the Good Version of this movie.
posted by brightghost to Media & Arts (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Can you check your browser history?
posted by trig at 11:52 PM on June 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

I did a bit of googling with your keywords and it turned up the film Hagazussa: A Heathen’s Curse (wikipedia), which seems to match so many of your points, but very much doesn't match others. It was also on Tubi at some point, but is actually in German! Unless you watched a dubbed version. I don't think it's the film, but just in case.
posted by distorte at 3:28 AM on June 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

I thought this might be a good use case for using an AI program like ChatGPT...

After fiddling with it for awhile, it's highly confident that the movie you're looking for is either The Reckoning (lol) or Black Death (lol). So... uh, the search continues..
posted by kbanas at 5:35 AM on June 15, 2023

Black Plague 2002 (or maybe 2013) ?
posted by adekllny at 6:55 AM on June 15, 2023

Season of the Witch
posted by Sassyfras at 7:57 AM on June 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

So I put the “Leaving Soon from Tubi” page into the Wayback Machine, and one of the hits I found leaving this month was The Last Witch Hunter - the description doesn’t sound like what you described, but since you didn’t say how much of the film you watched … maybe?

At any rate, apparently Tubi just uses the same URL and keeps updating it as more things are removed from the channel, so going through the Wayback Machine week by week should hopefully help you find it.
posted by Mchelly at 10:21 AM on June 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: @trig, this was in an app, not browser. Everzone else, thanks so much for your guesses; unfortunately, no one's got it. @Mchelly thanks for that tip; i looked through the last several weeks but still haven't found it. Im not sure what to make of that; maybe it hasnt been removed but is just mis-categorized? That seems unlikely though as i'm fairly certain i found it in one of the "reccomended" genre lists off the homepage.

Despite it all I'm still fairly certain this was not an elaborate dream; ill be sure to update here if i ever track it down!
posted by brightghost at 6:09 PM on June 16, 2023

My wife and I spent way too much an appropriate amount of time last night trying to track this down without success. We are now veerrrrryyy invested in finding out what this move is,
We have a few questions:
  1. Did you recognize any of the actors?
  2. How did you determine the film's age?
  3. What day exactly did you watch it?

posted by Television Name at 3:51 PM on June 17, 2023

Best answer: This looks like a good match:

The Cleansing (2019) [imdb] [letterboxd] [tubi]
posted by alyxstarr at 12:23 PM on June 21, 2023

Response by poster: !!!!!!

Yesssss @alyxstar — you are a true hero. This is it, and I'm pleasantly surprised to confirm my recollections were nearly spot-on. I would *love* to know how you tracked it down. Definitely have some some IMDB metadata to update when I'm back at my desk...

Fascinating to see it came out a year before Marshall's film. I wonder if it's one of those situations where a project's details leaks thru the rumor mill and another studio rushes out a knockoff? If so, I say bravo to Antony Miller and the gang - they did a solid job!*

(*of course I'll have to finish it ASAP to make sure they didn't ruin it in the last 10 minutes...)
posted by brightghost at 12:20 AM on June 23, 2023

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