Can I hire someone for this? Care Coordinator for Adult with Autism
June 12, 2023 7:10 AM   Subscribe

Can my client hire someone to help coordinate caregivers and programming for her adult child who has autism and cannot live independently? What types of professionals would I be looking for? We are located in the Greater Toronto Area.

I am assisting a client in another professional capacity and it has become apparent that my client would benefit from having someone to assist them in coordinating care for their adult child with autism. Their child cannot live independently but they are fortunate to have the means to afford full-time care. However, coordinating caregivers and programs is itself a time-consuming task and my client could use some assistance. I was hoping that there would be a social worker or similar that could be hired on a contract basis.

My google-fu is not turning up many options. We do not need the complete level of service that some of the medical providers seem to offer (you tell them your issues and they book all the caregivers and arrange visits). My client has caregivers in place already and doesn't need placements, more like regular help with scheduling and administration. It is almost like she needs a cross between a social worker and an executive assistant?

I know these types of services may be available through certain public programs, but I would like to focus on finding someone they can hire privately.

The location is Greater Toronto Area.

Thanks in advance!
posted by dazedandconfused to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Mostly sounds like a PSW, Personal Social Worker. I can MeMail you the number of one I know. I have not used him personally but referred someone else to him a month ago and he's been working with that person 2 to 3 days a week since and I believe it's going well.
posted by dobbs at 7:24 AM on June 12, 2023

It’s not a PSW (personal support worker) or if it is that would be an unusual way for them to work - afaik in Ontario they pretty much strictly do direct personal care like grooming, bathing, feeding and dispensing medications. What you’re asking about is stuff family members usually have to do (and it is definitely a *lot*, depending on how effective the agencies you’re working with are, and even sometimes when they’re great there can be issues).

However, I’ve seen ads on Craigslist for various kinds of support - maybe that would do it? The one issue is that usually the person speaking on behalf of the person needing care is as I say, a family member - someone with legal authority to make requests & choices and direct care. As long as the parent of the person needing care is available to sign off on things, I think a personal assistant could do this. It’s worth thinking through who would be positioned to serve as an advocate down the line (might be worth a chat with a lawyer, I have a feeling a guardian might be needed).
posted by cotton dress sock at 12:47 PM on June 12, 2023

Ah maybe a *social* service worker, yes. They do more sort of case managementy stuff.
posted by cotton dress sock at 12:54 PM on June 12, 2023

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