Where can I live cheaply while selling to people who don't?
May 1, 2006 9:00 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for places in the US that are like Lancaster, PA in that they: 1.) have a low cost of living; yet 2.) Attract multitudes of affluent tourists looking to buy expensive hand made, "artisanal" things.

Extra requirement: Diversity in general is good, but a notable Muslim presence in the area is a necessity, combined with an overall population that is generally tolerant. (I don't need a Dearborn, MI or a Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, but I'd like a local mosque and non-hostile, preferably friendly, neighbors.)
posted by leapingsheep to Travel & Transportation around Lancaster, PA (5 answers total)
Two Ideas:

I can't say much about diversity and tolerance toward Muslims, but areas of Cape Cod (Falmouth?) are frequented by rich folks, while still having a lot of blue collar neighborhoods and folk. I guess it might not be low cost enough, since property is probably expensive (because of proximity to the beaches and islands) and taxes are also high.

Savannah, GA also has lots of tourists and they're affluent (in my limited experience). But it's also got plenty of cheap housing and stuff. There is a central downtown core which is historic and has lots of shops and restuarants and bars. This is ringed on the west, south, and a bit to the east by poorer neighborhoods. The river is the boundary of Savannah proper to the north.

Did you ever think about living outside a tourist town? I bet you could buy a nice little house 20 or 30 minutes from any tourist destination (excepting maybe NYC and SF) -- like down the valley a bit from Park City, UT. This would give you the best of both worlds: a spot for the store and a way to live cheaply.
posted by zpousman at 9:24 AM on May 1, 2006

Ditto what zpousman said - I was getting ready to type a response on Savannah when I opened the thread and saw his response. Rents are VERY inexpensive outside the immediate city center, there is better-than-average public transport for the region, a decent-sized Muslim population, and the motherlode of tourism on River St. and City Market.

The weather can be a bit nasty in the summer (think steam room) but the cool season can't be beat.
posted by deadmessenger at 10:59 AM on May 1, 2006

Cape Cod's expensive as hell. Never noticed any Muslims there, either.
posted by scratch at 11:13 AM on May 1, 2006

Galena, Illinois. Rich suburban Chicagolanders trek west to U.S. Grant's hometown all summer long. Not being of minority status, I can't attest to reactions except to say (3rd hand "fact" alert) that Galena historically had a large black population as many freed slaves sought to live near the man they saw as an emancipator. And I don't think there's a mosque there, but know there is one in Dubuque, about 20 minutes away.
posted by jaysus chris at 12:19 PM on May 1, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks, folks. I'll check these out...even Savannah, although I'm vaguely terrified of the South!
posted by leapingsheep at 4:51 AM on May 2, 2006

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