Instagram support help: not showing comments when logged in!
June 1, 2023 12:20 PM   Subscribe

I'm unable to see comments on Instagram when I'm logged into a specific account. This is an account with 80,000 followers, and we have multiple people using the account to post from... everyone, regardless of device (Apple, Android, laptop, etc.) is having the same issue. Help?

Other details:
When I switch to any other account, comments are seen just fine.
On the regular feed/timeline we can see a portion of one or two comments, but when individual posts are brought up no comments are shown.
Comment counts are shown.
People can comment on our own posts and we can see them but not when we're logged into the account.
posted by Unsomnambulist to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Restart the devices. Log everyone out and then log back in. If that doesn't work, delete the app and reinstall it. Also check the wifi connections, if the network is unstable the comments won't load.

If none of that works, you'll need to contact Instagram directly.
posted by ananci at 6:16 AM on June 2, 2023

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