Good quality wireless earbuds similar to original iPod ones?
May 10, 2023 3:07 PM   Subscribe

If they exist, I would like wireless earbuds as similar as possible to the original iPod ones (and most earbuds of that period). I do NOT want anything resembling modern earbuds, with rubber bits poking into the ear canal. Here is an example of what I mean, except I want wireless. Why is it impossible to search for this??? Please give me your recommendations. I am prepared to pay for audio quality if that is even a thing with this kind of design.
posted by cincinnatus c to Technology (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Have you tried the regular AirPods (not the pro). I have tiny ears, hate the rubber bits, and find them comfortable.
posted by Crystalinne at 3:15 PM on May 10, 2023 [4 favorites]

Perhaps this kind of earbud? I have no idea of the sound quality or build, but they look similar to the original Airbuds.
posted by blob at 4:17 PM on May 10, 2023

I think you need to search for classic earphones / earbuds as opposed to in-ear -- maybe by searching for something along the lines of "non in-ear". It is sort of like headphones have on-ear and around ear, with these it seems to be in-ear canal vs classic, but you are right that must seem to go in the ear canal. I think they are hard to find because the in-ear buds tend to have better sound, noise cancelling and fit because they are so snug and eliminate a lot of the outside sound. I found this article that sort of describes the terms used and gives some examples. That article seemed to lead towards some examples like these from Edifier.
posted by This_Will_Be_Good at 4:20 PM on May 10, 2023 [1 favorite]

I really liked that older style of earphones, and I like the 2nd generation AirPods. They do start to get uncomfortable if I wear them for too long, like several hours- which I could probably say about any headphones. They are smaller and more comfortable than the wired ones that used to come with iPhones.
posted by wondermouse at 4:20 PM on May 10, 2023 [2 favorites]

Those are still my favorite type of earbud. I just got my first wireless pair, which I believe are the third gen AirPods. They aren’t identical but have no rubber bits, which I strongly dislike, and find them comfortable.
posted by PussKillian at 5:26 PM on May 10, 2023

Go to Temu and check out the Lenovo brand of airbuds which come in a few dozen varieties and are all cheap and all solid. The LP40's are in the style you mentioned for example and cost a whopping $8.98.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 5:52 AM on May 11, 2023

I have been going through my own odyssey on this, and have tried and returned several sets to Apple in the past few weeks. The naming conventions are ridiculous, confusing, and make googling difficult, so I am going to try to be as specific as possible. Like you, I think the most comfortable headphones are Apple’s original EarPods (they also sell a lightning connector version, or you can use an adapter).

So far, I have tried AirPod Pros (2nd generation) with the XS ear tips and regular AirPods (3rd generation), and both of them were eventually painful in my ears. While the AirPods (3rd generation) don’t have the terrible rubber tips that the AirPods Pro have, they are still larger, more bulbous, and heavier than the original EarPods.

The absolute closest fit to the original EarPods is the regular AirPods (2nd generation). You’ll know it’s the right kind because they have the taller, narrower case, while the AirPods Pro and regular AirPods (3rd generation) have the wider, squatter case. If you have the option to get a MagSafe case, that is the WRONG generation; AirPods (2nd generation) only charge via lightning cable.

The AirPods (2nd generation) are still a teensy bit larger and tiny bit heavier than the original EarPods, but they are by far the closest fit I have tried. I have spent the past week swapping between these two kinds, and while the EarPods are a smidge more comfortable, I can easily wear the AirPods (2nd generation) for an entire day without complaint.

Also, as I have discovered, if you go to an Apple Store they will allow you to try on different headphones to test (they sanitize them in between) and you can return any you buy within 14 days if they don’t work out. Be forewarned: they will probably try hard to sell you on the AirPods Pro or the AirPods (3rd generation)—I suppose technically the audio is better on those, and they have other improved features—but after trying them both in store and at home I have ended up back with the AirPods (2nd generation), which I have happily used for years.
posted by CtrlAltDelete at 8:36 AM on May 11, 2023 [2 favorites]

I have the AirPod non-Pros - I call them AirPod Amateurs - and without the rubber ear pieces they fall out of my ears repeatedly. On an hour long call sitting at my desk they fell out 3 times and started to more than that. Do not recommend.
posted by bendy at 3:52 PM on May 11, 2023

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