Music video of a duo spoofing horror music w/ corpsepaint
April 24, 2023 8:07 PM   Subscribe

I saw it within the last year (probably on MeFi). The only context I remember is that it was a duo who normally make much different music and did this for fun. The main recurring shot is of a man and woman slowly walking (or hovering) toward the camera on a sunny day. He's repeating "I'm a black [something]" in a low monotone.

Dude is in black metal attire with corpsepaint, glowering face lowered and lumbering towards the camera (maybe walking in place). She's hovering and glitch-twitching with long dark hair over her face (a la The Ring). It was pretty goofy throughout the video, maybe with a sunny road trip in a convertible. It's in my head, this absurd incomplete fragment, and I keep failing to search for it. Halp!
posted by Malaclypse_Fnord to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Goth Beach? Doesn't have the right hair, though.
posted by The corpse in the library at 5:19 PM on April 25, 2023

Response by poster: Ha! No, that's not it - but I have a few friends I need to show that to. Thanks!
posted by Malaclypse_Fnord at 5:24 PM on April 25, 2023

Is it one of the Two Minutes to Late Night skits?
posted by chrispy108 at 3:26 PM on May 5, 2023

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