Help me analyze a voter purge
February 26, 2023 8:28 PM   Subscribe

As a civic activity in the U.S., I plan to analyze a list of inactive voters who are likely to be removed from the rolls. I am interested in any suggestions on the best method(s) for this.

The county plans to remove a number of voters from the rolls. It has followed certain other steps, as outlined in the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 .

The county clerk is a Dem, and I don't suspect anything nefarious. But checks and balances are good.

I have the list of voters to be removed, with some demographics, party (if any), address, districts, the last time they voted, and information on their voting method (if any) in various elections in the last 10 years. I also have several tables that list the number of voters to be removed by different aspects, such as district, party, and decade born.

What I don’t have, and can’t count on getting, is anything for comparison. I have Excel and 10-14 days to do any of this. I also have rusty stats knowledge and general knowledge of my county.

Do you have any suggestions? Would you have more suggestions if I can get any comparison information, such as either a list of active voters or the list of voters removed in a previous go-round?
posted by NotLost to Law & Government (3 answers total)
There may be some organizations doing this work already or whose mission is adjacent enough that they might be able to help. Some to consider are Fair Fight Action, When We All Vote, Protect the Vote, Rock the Vote, and Vote Save America (note, Vote Save America is not nonpartisan).

Thanks for being engaged in this important work!
posted by AV at 4:01 AM on February 27, 2023

Response by poster: Thanks! It looks like I will get a list of all voter, hopefully this week.
posted by NotLost at 6:22 AM on February 27, 2023

yes, engage the people AV mentioned. They hopefully have access to lawyers that will give you the criteria needed to challenge suspect removals as well as the additional data that will help you determine which removals are suspect.
posted by mmascolino at 7:54 AM on February 27, 2023

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