US Cool as Heck Bird Stickers 2023
February 7, 2023 2:52 AM   Subscribe

I would like a bunch of cool stickers of birds for a US delivery to arrive direct from shipper to the recipient, ideally by the 13th. Birthday gift! I am in the U.K. if that matters. Thank you!
posted by The Last Sockpuppet to Shopping (6 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Alex Tomlinson! They sell stickers and prints via Pigeon Post.
posted by snaw at 3:01 AM on February 7, 2023 [6 favorites]

I got these and like them.
posted by metasarah at 4:23 AM on February 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

I love this raven sticker from Cognitive Surplus. They have more birds.
posted by theora55 at 6:24 AM on February 7, 2023

Charley Harper
Bird Collective
posted by eyeball at 7:22 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I've purchased stickers from Alaskan Designed "The Alaska Sticker Store" & was very happy with the quality. They're all designed by Alaskan artists. Here's the bird section.
posted by belladonna at 5:04 PM on February 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

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