Trustworthy car rental in Rio?
February 5, 2023 2:01 PM   Subscribe

I need to rent a car in Rio, near Leblon and Ipanema. Which company to choose?

I want to rent a car for 5 days to go Angra do Reis and Paraty. I'm in Leblon, and there's two companies nearby, Movida and Localiza. Both have horror stories online, not these specific locations in Leblon, but the companies in general.
What's your experience renting a car in Rio? Which company would you recommend?
posted by signal to Travel & Transportation around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (4 answers total)
Best answer: I’ve never used Movida, but have used Localiza repeatedly for over 20 years. Yes, they can suck. Yes, you will read horror stories online. But they have remained in business all these years because they suck just a little less than their competitors. I have never rented from their shop in Leblon, but I would recommend arriving early and expect it to take far longer than you imagine to get your car. Over the dozens of times we have rented through Localiza, we have not been scammed or overcharged. Did we end up driving a car smaller than we rented? More than once. Do the cars smell funny and the ac doesn’t work? Sadly, yes. It’s a crapshoot, meu amigo.
On another note, I am so glad you are heading to Paraty! If you are also heading to Angra, might I suggest a slight detour to visit Trindade? Half the fun is just getting there. Boa sorte e aproveite bastante!
posted by msali at 9:15 PM on February 5, 2023

Response by poster: Thanks! Also for the Paraty rec. Will definitely check out Trinidade.

I don't really mind going to pick up a car outside of Leblon, is there any other company that you'd recommend over Localiza.
posted by signal at 4:31 AM on February 6, 2023

I’m afraid I don’t have any other suggestions, sorry. Localiza is about the best you can do these days. The only other place I might check is the Santos Dumond airport, but any car you rent from there is going to be extra spendy.
posted by msali at 9:06 PM on February 6, 2023

Response by poster: We used the Localiza in Gavea mall. They were very helpful and friendly. We got a nice newish Peugeot with ac and automatic transmission for a week for about USD$200. We're currently in an amazing restaurant in the hills above Muriqui, enjoying life. Thanks!
posted by signal at 9:14 AM on February 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

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