Looking for fun, "real talk" meditation talks/guided meditation
December 31, 2022 6:13 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for podcasts or videos of more contemporary, conversational mindfulness videos. Something similar to this. I'm running into trouble finding search terms to find what I need.

I teach mindfulness to people who are dealing with trauma and dissociation. One of my clients is a college student who has some difficulty feeling engaged with the typical quiet, calm, zen voice led exercises. I'd like to find something more active, engaged, maybe with a bit of swearing or at least something that may make him less likely to fall asleep or feel disengaged.

So before I give up and create some of my own, please help me come up with search terms I can try, or share meditation teachers you enjoy. Thank you!
posted by gilsonal to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Matthieu Ricard? He nailed a PhD in molecular genetics from The Pasteur and then went east and robed up. His dad the philosopher Jean-François Revel had a different tool-bag for crap-detecting. I find Ricard a bit less prim than others in the business. I've been in the same room as Michael Schwammberger a few times and get something of the same vibe.
posted by BobTheScientist at 1:37 AM on January 1, 2023

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