Hair plan
October 21, 2022 3:08 PM   Subscribe

I have had basically the same haircut for 25 years hope me.

I look a lot like a chubbier, lesbian Ira Glass, and for a couple decades I've had a haircut sort of like this. In my youth I had many haircuts from shaved to mohawk to long unruly hippy hair but I got sort of conservative about it and I want to try a change.

My hair is extremely thick, quite curly, and grows up into a big fluff before it gets heavy enough to weight itself down. This is the problem I face whenever I attempt to break out of my hair rut. I look like a big puffy mushroom if I shave the sides and let top grow, or just like a big fluffy halo if I let it all grow, and that is a bit hard for me to handle. However, I suspect my hair texture has changed since it was long in my youth because I'm now about 85% grey, so maybe it won't be quite so large if I try again?

I want to somehow have a different haircut, but also continue to feel secure in my masculine presentation. Can you give me some mood-board type hair journey suggestions for changing my hair identity?? I can do whatever in terms of my job.
posted by latkes to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
The curly mushroom look is really hot right now with the zoomer class. If you decide to grow it out a bit, stylists at younger-skewing queer salons should be better equipped to work with both the look and the texture than in eras past.
posted by phunniemee at 3:27 PM on October 21, 2022 [2 favorites]

Yup, fades with big curly mops on top are definitely very in with the cool young queers of all genders, as are curly mullets and a cut that is somewhere between a curly mullet and a curly mohawk. But your profile says you're in Oakland, so you may have already noticed this!

Like phunniemee says, your best bet is to find a young skewing queer salon or stylist. I'll add that you also want someone with lots of experience with curly hair of all textures.

If you are actually in Oakland, I can recommend Pony Salon. Their website and instagram both showcase more femme curly cuts, but there's always at least one person in there getting a decidedly masc cut when I go in, and they always look great, so I think you're safe. I'd just call and ask who would be good at a curly fade with super thick hair. I'm pretty sure I've seen Casey doing one before?

There's also Marcella, who used to be at Pony, and now has her own lil spot. She's very very good with thick curly hair, is easy to talk to, and would probably walk you through all your options and teach you how to use the right products to get the look you want.

I also made a small Pinterest board to give you some ideas of what you might be able to do. Using product to give you some definition and tame the poof will make a huge difference in how your hair handles more length. The products are so so much better than they were even 10 years ago.
posted by JuliaIglesias at 6:10 PM on October 21, 2022 [5 favorites]

Response by poster: Whoa, you are a hero!! Or... hair..o? No..
posted by latkes at 8:32 PM on October 21, 2022 [4 favorites]

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