Does plant sunscreen exist?
October 17, 2022 7:57 AM   Subscribe

I have otherwise sun-loving plants that really got fried by the sun/heat this summer (jade, sansevieria [snake plant] in particular. They are all on a drip irrigation system, and continued to get watered. I haven’t wanted to use shade cloth because I live in a windy area. Ridiculous question, but does some sort of spray on physical sunscreen barrier exist for plants?
posted by arnicae to Home & Garden (3 answers total)
Sansevieria is not a sun-loving plant. It is tolerant of extremely dark conditions, and maxes out at bright indirect/filtered light. It does not grow in full sun in its natural environment.

Mature jade should be able to handle what you throw at it, if you have it properly potted, and ease it into the light slowly (over a few weeks). If it is young, it also should not be given full direct sunlight (eg 6+ hours). The product listed above is designed to protect fruit. I would not recommend coating the leaves of plants you want to thrive; better to get a better environment for them or get plants more suited to your environs. Also drip watering is not appropriate for jade, that alone may have messed it up. Much better to water it well, rarely.
posted by SaltySalticid at 8:37 AM on October 17, 2022 [4 favorites]

It doesn't spray on, but in the longer term, you could grow larger plants with the needs of these plants in mind.
posted by aniola at 11:29 AM on October 17, 2022

So you're aware, Surround will make your plants a powdery white color, which is probably not desirable on ornamental plants. It washes off in the rain and you will need to respray it afterward. I've used it for insect control and protecting fruit from sunscald, and the plants get enough sunlight through the clay - a lot of agricultural crops actually do better with less than full sunlight. If you're only expecting sunscald weather for a few weeks a year, it could work.

That said, I agree with the answers that you'll probably be happiest selecting plants that are suited to your environment and watering setup vs. trying to make this work. I'm not sure Surround would mitigate sunlight enough for your sansevieria, anyhow. A local garden center or groups like your county Master Gardeners will have suggestions.
posted by momus_window at 3:04 PM on October 19, 2022

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