Unwanted Duplicate Google Scholar Account
October 13, 2022 7:07 AM   Subscribe

My google scholar account duplicated itself, with some differences and with the second copy not fully set up. How do I get rid of the duplicate? There are complications.

The old version is set up as I want it. If I search for scholar and my name I get to this page. It is registered to my institutional email. There seem to be some limits on my deleting things from it, if I wanted to. SO would be good to get those rights back to.

The new version is the one I want to be deleted. If I am on the google scholar front page and click 'My Profile', this is the one that I get to. It is also linked to my institutional email address, which I assume shouldn't happen, but here we are. I know how to delete it in Settings but when I did, clicking on 'My Profile' just leads to a 'deleted profile' page.

So, ideally, new profile disappears, everything goes back to connecting to old profile. Any way to achieve this? Am I stuck with deleting old profile and jazzing up new profile? Doing so may mean searches for me go to a deleted page where the old profile used to be.
posted by biffa to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
One possibility is that you have one profile tied to a personal account, and one tied to your organizational account.

What's the difference between an organizational account and a personal account?
You can end up with two different accounts that have the same associated email.

Google Scholar's recommendation is that you use a personal profile, so you don't lose access to it if you change institutions and no longer have an account there.

If your institution uses Google Workspace (or whatever Google is calling it this week), try opening an incognito browser, signing in to just the institutional Workspace account, then try visiting Google Scholar to see if you have access to the duplicate account.
posted by zamboni at 9:47 AM on October 13, 2022 [2 favorites]

Google is quietly deprecating GS profiles that are tied to institutional email addresses. You are kind of stuck. New searches for you will lead to your new profile.
posted by unknowncommand at 11:42 AM on October 13, 2022 [2 favorites]

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