Can I Eat This?
October 7, 2022 1:08 AM   Subscribe

Yesterday I made a huge crock pot of Lentil veg soup. It was delicious! Unfortunately I fell asleep shortly after having my dinner, and when I woke, the crock pot was cold! It was turned off about 6 hours. Can I eat the rest, or should I just toss it? Thank you all.
posted by james33 to Food & Drink (5 answers total)
Best answer: Any animal products in there? If not, I’d eat it.
posted by third word on a random page at 1:28 AM on October 7, 2022

Best answer: If it's vegetarian and the pot was closed, I'd simmer it for at least 15 minutes, then eat without reservations.
posted by I claim sanctuary at 2:08 AM on October 7, 2022 [3 favorites]

Best answer: Third: simmer for a while, then eat. I'd even eat it if there was butter in it, or another pure animal fat.

Because our fridge is small, we have cold vegan stews standing on the kitchen table all the time, waiting to be reheated.
posted by mumimor at 2:21 AM on October 7, 2022 [2 favorites]

Best answer: As a 30something with no major health issues, I would eat it. YMMV.
posted by needs more cowbell at 2:28 AM on October 7, 2022

Response by poster: Thanks everyone!

I had totally forgotten, but Boyfriend remined me I used some left over chicken broth in the soup. Darn it! I tossed the soup.
posted by james33 at 3:47 AM on October 7, 2022 [3 favorites]

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