Color Contacts
October 6, 2022 8:27 PM   Subscribe

I want to get colored contact lenses for Halloween / cosplay, but I don't know which kind would be best for me. Can you help me? Details inside...

I wear glasses or contacts for astigmatism. My prescription isn't very strong, but power/sphere for one eye is -0.25 and the other eye is +0.5. You can buy toric, colored lenses for astigmatism, but I can only find ones that correct to the negative, not positive. Would I be better off getting toric lenses with the correct prescription in one eye and just the cylinder and axis correction with 0 for the near / farsighted correction or non-prescription lenses? I can still see without vision correction, the lenses just make things crisper. How much does the cylinder and axis correction help your vision? Should I try wearing just the negative eye contact to see if I can tolerate one eye corrected and the other eye not?

I know you are not my eye doctor or optician. What would you do?
posted by DEiBnL13 to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
With such a mild prescription, as long as you're not planning to be driving or doing other dangerous things that require the most perfect possible vision, I'd say you're fine to ignore your prescription entirely.
posted by aniola at 9:09 PM on October 6, 2022 [1 favorite]

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