Pick-Me-Up Gifts?
August 19, 2022 6:09 AM   Subscribe

What should I send friends as pick-me-up gifts? What would you like to receive as a pick-me-up gift?

Life is hard, and several of my friends are having a heavy time lately. I like to send people pick-me-up gifts, just to brighten their day a little and let them know I'm thinking about them. In the past, I usually resort to some sort of snack box, and it's probably just because of my own issues, but I don't want to keep associating comfort with food. I have no idea what to send otherwise, though.

I'm hoping the hive mind can offer ideas for pick-me-up gifts that would work for a broad demographic of people. I know "good" gifts should probably be targeted to the specific person, but I'll admit that in general I consider myself to be a terrible gift giver and rely on the adage "It's the thought that counts." At the same time, I don't want to just send garbage to send garbage. A few of my friends don't like books or scented candles (which is what I would want to receive) so I'm a little stumped.

If you were having a bad day, what would you like to receive as a surprise? Or if you've sent little things to your friends to help cheer them up, what have you sent? Any that went over particularly well? Up to $40-50 would be okay if the item/box was particularly stellar, but in the $25-$35 range would be ideal.

Thank you!
posted by dearwassily to Shopping (28 answers total) 27 users marked this as a favorite
Plants or flowers are lovely for the right person, keeping pet safety in mind. A person with a pet might also love a toy or treat for that pet.

Some sort of fun stationery item like a cute pen or notepad or some stickers? A fidget toy? A cute pair of earrings or other piece of fun jewelry? Are any of your friends enamel pin collectors?

A friend makes her own greeting cards with stamps and stickers and they're so delightful to get, but that may not be up your alley.
posted by Stacey at 6:17 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

Homemade Cookies
Chocolate dipped pretzels
chocolate dipped strawberries

Kinda Food:
Starbucks giftcard
Some tea you really like

Excellent but YMMV:
Small cute art (playing card sized fun thing)
Souvenir from latest trip that's not too cliché (like a cheap scarf from india)
A cute temporary tattoo (best when you have a matching one to also wear)
A book
A small firework / popper
A little board game /card game, like one of the unlock series.

Things I actually want
Amazon gift card
This battery bank for my phone, specifically, and no others
A printed and framed photo we took together (Ideally quite small)
A treat for my dog
...Yes, chocolate covered strawberries, more of those please
posted by bbqturtle at 6:19 AM on August 19, 2022

These tiny plants are a nice gift.
posted by 10ch at 6:27 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

Tea, special coffees, something soothing for the body like a massage ball, lotion or oils. Earrings, nail polish and the like for women. It is kinda hard leaving out food and books but maybe go to a local gift shop or craft fair to get ideas.
posted by DixieBaby at 6:31 AM on August 19, 2022

Obviously what you're seeking is a material thing that demonstrates that you took some of your time and focused on them -- and often, that means the object itself isn't important because it's just a signifier. So something (socks? a neck gaiter?) made of soft merino wool: autumn is coming soon, and I would be cheered to know that someone is thinking of my future comfort.

Alternately, if you have known them a long time, a thing they loved in your shared youth would be great: music you had in common, or a reminder of a place they no longer live near. (Like, my far-off brother sent me a t-shirt with the ridiculous logo of a long-gone grocery store chain from our home town. I treasure that stupid Red Owl shirt!)

Sometimes you can upload a picture and have stickers made at Red Bubble, which they can plaster on a water bottle or laptop or fridge. If it makes them smile every time they see it, that's the ideal. Etsy has tons of people doing this kind of thing.
posted by wenestvedt at 6:36 AM on August 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

I will say that I ordered my wife a pair of those yoga therapy balls to use after workouts (because they are softer than lacrosse balls), and she LOVES them. So if you friends are Of A Certain Age and active, these might be a great choice.
posted by wenestvedt at 6:37 AM on August 19, 2022

Ooh, yeah, nail polish or fun nail stickers or something would be a lot of fun to get. (Quite possibly for every gender, depending on your friends.)

Another thought: I love a pair of great wool socks, because I'm fully in my "no, actually, socks ARE a great gift" years, but YMMV. Maybe tuck that idea away for a colder season and buy someone some soft indulgent cashmere socks.
posted by Stacey at 6:37 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

I have one friend who is super talented at this. Most recently, she sent me (for no reason!) a small baggie of cookies, a book she loved and wanted to pass on, and a note saying she valued our friendship. She's also sent a treat for my cat and/or something fun for my child which meant just as much to me as if the gift had been FOR me.
posted by nkknkk at 6:54 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

I mail people a card with a fun sticker in it. Usually a little snarky or related to something they love. I've been doing it all pandemic, the card notes have ranged from filling the entire thing with words to just "this made me think of you, hope you love it!"

Everyone loves stickers! I get a lot of my cards and stickers from the Always Fits website. The nicest thing about stickers is they take up like no space, require no care (I mean I love a houseplant but not everyone does), have no allergen or diet worries (god I love cookies but I'm not allowed to eat them), and doesn't cost a lot of money so if the person doesn't like or need it, they can throw it away or re-gift it without a lot of guilt.

I know for me, the fact that someone mailed me something is the most meaningful part of the present.
posted by magnetsphere at 6:57 AM on August 19, 2022 [10 favorites]

This is a little obscure, but when I was unemployed and depressed several years ago, a friend sent me two things:

- A fascinating non-fiction book on a subject I'm interested in
- A full-face-covering, bright green rubber frog mask

The book was a delightful, if obvious, gift. The frog mask was a real WTF moment and I had a lot of fun wearing it, taking pictures, scaring my wife, that sort of thing.
posted by Ted Maul at 7:19 AM on August 19, 2022 [6 favorites]

A slightly random plushie goes over well with a huge variety of people I find. Who doesn't love a cuddly piece of toast, potted plant or toothpaste tube with a smiley face?
posted by guessthis at 7:30 AM on August 19, 2022 [7 favorites]

Zines are so perfect for this. Go to zine fairs! A great source for super affordable, unique little pieces of art that are easy to mail and provide short, delightful reads.

You can also find them on Etsy, but it's way easier to browse if you can meet the artists in person.
posted by veery at 8:39 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

They're a little more trendy right now, which is either a good or a bad thing, but I like to send out a tin of stick-on googly eyes.
posted by Mchelly at 9:03 AM on August 19, 2022 [4 favorites]

They make small art lego sets that are a great pick me up present. A defined thing that you can set aside time for (not long) that focuses your attention on something lovely and fun and not awful.
posted by Bottlecap at 9:13 AM on August 19, 2022 [3 favorites]

Ha, I sent googly eyes for Mefi Holiday Swap; they were well-received.

The most important message is I'm thinking f you. I care. Find really special cards or tiy ephemeral paper goods. Tiny prayer flags, which I have bought cheaper in bulk, but that's the idea. A popup card. You can get small, quality chocolates to tuck in the envelope; that might require extra postage. Museum shops have lovely gifts; while looking for cards, I saw gorgeous tiles to use as trivets. And pins are fun and affordable.

Pretty magnets that remind the friend they are cared for are easy to find, or, come up with a signature design and have some made.

I have too much stuff. A caring family member sends me gifts of things I don't need, but are harder to divest because, gift. Ephemera can be easily tucked on the fridge or in a drawer for future reminders of affection. I find art to be healing and joyful, so artistic bits are welcome.
posted by theora55 at 9:24 AM on August 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

Harney.com - sells super cute travel tea tins.
Peaches and ginger and hot cinnamon sunset are my favorite of the available flavors.

I also like the idea of a magnet, postcard or card with either a beautiful or funny picture.
posted by MadMadam at 10:00 AM on August 19, 2022

Looks like there is an extraneous dot on the end of the URL to theora55's Renoir dog pin; correct link is https://store.metmuseum.org/renoir-dog-pin-80051364

Dang, that's a good pin!
posted by wenestvedt at 10:09 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

I have a roll of flexible magnetic sheeting (by Magnum Magnetics, I think) which is adhesive. I have stuck photos to a piece and then used an X-Acto knife to cut out a silhouette of the subject which makes for a very whimsical, cheap, and personalized gift. E.g., I cut up a snapshot of the bride & groom to make a little post-wedding gift.

The roll was a one-time purchase which has let me create one-of-a-kind fridge magnets & car magnets, especially once we got a Cricut machine!
posted by wenestvedt at 10:16 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

I’m loving this question and the responses! I’m definitely someone who loves food and books so here’s a few things that aren’t either.

Here’s some gifts I’ve gotten that were huge pick me ups:
A tree. A two foot sapling delivered to my door. My friend knew I wanted it (we’d been texting about my attempts to find one) but it was still absolutely delightful to come home to a surprise tree.
Magazine subscriptions: cooking! comics! good writing! Added bonus I think fond thoughts of the friend every time one arrives
Nice cards. Nothing else needed, just a cool card
Bath salts. I love soaking, and it encourages me to rest
Small craft kits
Toys for my dogs. I love seeing their delight with something new to chew on

And somethings I’ve sent:
Goofy personalized stuff from Shutterfly. Lots of magnets of their pets or kids, address lanes, something small
Nice cards. Seriously don’t underestimate just sending a card
Seeds. I have a lot of friends that garden that I’ve sent seeds too. Also sometimes I send native wildflower seeds
Fancy salt or spices, and if they drink it tea or coffee
Really nice yarn for the knitters, I make sure it’s enough to complete a project
Toys for their dogs or children. My friends with kids that had to quarantine these past years got a lot of Lego sets from me.
Also once I gave someone a collection of different types of rice and it went over really well

This is making me want to send someone a gift, thank you for asking!
posted by lepus at 11:11 AM on August 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

Cute night lights or flashlights.
Iron-on patches.
Car wash coupons.
posted by metasarah at 11:48 AM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

I like receiving magazine subscriptions or books of puzzles like sudokus or acrostics. You can often find puzzles in lovely books, and then include a quality pen.

The most recent non-food gift I gave was a thank you to a friend who was giving me a lift home after surgery.

Since she was spending the day at the hospital, I filled up a cute mini backpack with craft kits, games and puzzle books from the dollar store as a little entertainment kit. She found it very cheery, and I imagine something similar would be a good pick me up.
posted by champers at 12:48 PM on August 19, 2022

Gift-giving is hard! Depending on what kind of "heavy times" your friends are having, a gift plant or even seeds might be just another responsibility - a thing that needs to be cared for. A gift that's sort of like money (a coupon or gift card) might be a big help if it's for something you know they'll use or enjoy, but some people can be touchy about getting monetary gifts from friends.

Have your friends given you any clues about what they enjoy? Not necessarily hints about gifts, but comments about really enjoying a nice cup of tea every afternoon or a particular restaurant, etc. You might send a tea sampler or have a meal delivered from that restaurant (again, depending on your friends' situation).

Generally, middle-class people already have more than enough stuff, so assuming your friends are financially OK, they might prefer consumables or experiences over things. Would food-adjacent stuff like tea or coffee work? Or a couple of tickets to a movie theater or event?

In my case, I find it uncomfortable to get gifts from friends, for a whole bunch of reasons. Consumables are about the least uncomfortable since they are not expected to stick around forever and be displayed next time Friend comes to visit. However, one nice gift was an artist trading card with an original watercolor, which was sent to me by a MeFite. (You can buy ACEOs, the for-sale version, on Etsy etc.) They're small and can be slipped into a regular greeting card, and if you can find an image your friend will like, it might be neat for them to get some original art.

But don't underestimate the impact of a card! Probably my favorite gift was a get-well card from co-workers when I was out on medical leave - it was a really nice hand-made card, and everybody wrote a really nice message in it. I still have that card!
posted by Quietgal at 1:17 PM on August 19, 2022 [4 favorites]

A few years ago we had A Medical Thing at our house, and many friends brought over meals. (I choked up every night! at their generosity) But the one I remember the most was my oldest friend sending me a huge box of food from Zingerman's: not because I ever lived in New York, but because he included treats and fun food and an insulated bag.

So sending something consumable and unnecessary seems like a good set of guardrails.

Recently a company invited me to a remote "experience" where we all got a FedEx box with fresh lobster and the ingredients to make a lobster roll together. It was hilarious and dumb (I am in New England!), and I loved every bit of it.
posted by wenestvedt at 8:30 PM on August 19, 2022 [1 favorite]

My mom had a grand time with the flowering tea leaves I gave her as a stocking stuffer! I can’t remember the actual name of the things, but they are a bundle of tea leaves tied up in a ball so that when you drop one in a cup it opens up slowly and blossoms into a flower shape. You can probably find them at specialty coffee/tea stores. I think it would be perfect as a pick-me-up gift.
posted by Liesl at 12:26 AM on August 20, 2022 [3 favorites]

Nothing they later have to dust!

I love the googly eyes idea. They make really big ones, too, if you know someone who might enjoy that.

I'd say if you wanted to give someone something that was practical as well as consumable, maybe something involving soup or stew and add some locally handmade pottery bowls. We've been slowly gathering pottery bowls here and they are edging out the more boring bowls for use and cupboard space, and even for everyday use they feel more special.
posted by hippybear at 4:29 PM on August 20, 2022 [2 favorites]

I did once get a great deal of enthusiasm for a birthday card with a lottery ticket.
posted by theora55 at 10:57 AM on August 21, 2022

Ooh, I love sending people mail. I'm going to concur that a card and some stickers is great. But any paper ephemera you can fit in an envelope can go. For me this usually means tiny paper valentines. Sometimes I'll make someone a care package with a year's worth of miscellaneous holiday greetings in it. Blank coloring pages are another fun add in.

I also make zines. A mini-zine (a little booklet folded from a single sheet of paper) is a great gift. I'm a cartoonist so I draw them but it's a cool format for whatever you want. You can make one and reproduce it for a lot of people, or you could make a bespoke one for the friend!

If that's too much, even a drawing (especially an amateur one!) is always a nice thought. It's fun to send art.
posted by Tesseractive at 7:19 PM on August 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

The weirdest, funniest random gifts I've received have all been from my sister. Highlights include:
A potato parcel with C. Thomas Howell's face on it. (Long story.)
An origami t-rex
posted by hessie at 10:39 AM on August 29, 2022 [1 favorite]

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