Automated Complicated Schedule APP
August 18, 2022 10:27 PM   Subscribe

At my new school, we use a rotating schedule so the classes aren't consistent each day of the week. An additional complication is that one day a week has a compressed schedule, so the timing for the classes on that weekday are different. Is there an APP for iPhone that can manage both of those? Ideally, it would also allow me to schedule other meetings and events that happen only once or on a weekly basis. I'm definitely willing to pay for this!
posted by Trifling to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
If you can provide details about how the rotation works exactly, I think that would help a lot for any discussion on potential solutions. IME, even a rotation means that the pattern should repeat after a while, but it sounds like there are wrinkles that prevent that from being workable here.
posted by Aleyn at 10:49 PM on August 18, 2022

Response by poster: It's a 6-day rotation. So week 1 would be days 1-5, then next Monday we would have day 6. If there's a holiday, they would resume with whichever of the six schedules is next in the rotation.

Wednesdays are early release, so whatever classes happen on that day, they are compressed. Let's say that each block would change from being 1.5 hours to 1 hour.

It seems like a solvable problem with some finagling in Excel, but I'd prefer something more automated.
posted by Trifling at 11:28 PM on August 18, 2022

Best answer: I know classtimetable does schedule rotation - but know idea if that will allow you to compress a day or run on a 6 day cycle.
posted by zenon at 11:42 PM on August 18, 2022 [1 favorite]

I guess the low tech solution would be to spend an hr or two in Outlook (or the calendar app of your choice) and just add the classes. I was going to say use the recurring meeting features but while these accommodate a number of patterns beautifully, I can't see anything that would automatically do every sixth working can however just right click and copy entries and paste them into other days and adjust duration.
posted by koahiatamadl at 12:41 AM on August 19, 2022 [2 favorites]

My Study Life supports letter day rotation
posted by oceano at 2:34 AM on August 19, 2022

Response by poster: I'm going to use Class time table and just deal with the wrong timings on Wednesdays, unless I get bored and do it on Sheets myself.
posted by Trifling at 8:59 PM on August 20, 2022

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