How much to charge for webinar production services?
July 5, 2022 3:14 PM   Subscribe

A friend and I got looped into a contract for webinar production services for a single event at the end of this month. We both have experience doing work like this for a non-profit as volunteers and adjacent work experience, but neither of us have done this in a more commercial setting, and we have been asked to provide an estimated cost.

The actual event will be a press conference, about 1.5 hours, will involve a panel and maybe 150 participants. We will be helping in pre-planning of the event, curating questions during the event, possibly playing video clips, and post-event having a video editor edit the recording for posting online. Part of the pre-planning will be in reviewing writing and video material, and doing a rehearsal of the event with the panel. So in addition to us, there will be a video editor that will be hired to create the video clips and post-produce the event recording.

Initial hourly estimates from the press relations firm are 3-5 prep, 2-3 hours for the event, and 2-3 hours for video editing. The client is a large, public university.

Does anyone have any possible resources on where we can figure out an estimate, or even just a ballpark?
posted by nanook to Work & Money (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
$5K - $10K as a very rough ballpark, based on what people charge for developing pitch decks or corporate training seminar materials. Perhaps add a bit more for the additional live component. Plus whatever the third party editing will cost.
posted by snuffleupagus at 5:04 PM on July 5, 2022 [2 favorites]

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