How do I buy a burner phone when there are no security concerns?
May 23, 2022 8:46 AM   Subscribe

Due to a [stupid, complicated, annoying] problem, I am not at all sure when my phone plan will get me a new phone to replace my now-broken one and I cannot (see within) just buy a phone to use with my plan. Not having a phone at all is bad! How can I get a temporary phone?

I do not expect my new phone until some time next week, at best, because I have a stupid phone plan - but at this point, it's going to take longer to start with a new company than to wait on the new phone. My provider is requiring that all new phones are switched to a new plan and new sim card, so I need to wait on a new sim card from them regardless - I can't just buy a new phone and use it with my existing service.

I would like to buy some kind of phone that I can use until then. I am not looking for a phone to take to protests or any kind of secret phone; I just want to be able to make calls for work and in emergencies.

I do not understand how one gets a burner phone. How do I do this?
posted by Frowner to Technology (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Just go to Target or Walmart, they'll have several choices for phones and pay-as-you-go plans (and other plans!) in the electronics section. Best Buy or other computer store should have options as well. I think Walgreens even has a limited selection these days.

Explain your situation to the employee in the electronics sections. You should be able to get something for a relatively low cost, especially if you're ok with a phone that doesn't have a lot of computer power for the next week.
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 8:51 AM on May 23, 2022 [4 favorites]

That depends on where you are. Here in the Netherlands, I would walk into a MediaMarkt, spend 16€ and walk out with a very simple but unlocked phone. I would then buy a prepaid SIM in the nearest supermarket. I bet there are equivalent options pretty much everywhere.
posted by Too-Ticky at 8:53 AM on May 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

In a similar situation, I was recently able to buy an inexpensive "unlocked" phone from Best Buy. They added my sim card and nothing with my phone plan was involved. I ended up getting another phone later, but now have the inexpensive phone as a back up in case something like this happens again.
posted by fies at 8:54 AM on May 23, 2022

the last time I did this - for similar reasons, was between phones and providers and portings - I just walked into the nearest Cricket store. you can do the same with Boost or Metro whatever other pre-pay providers are in your area and have physical stores. (technically, I walked in and then left and bought it online, because the phone I wanted wasn't available in store, but I could have just gotten a different phone there.)

nthing everyone else's suggestions, too - it's honestly probably easiest just to grab a pre-paid phone off the shelf at Walmart or whatever while you do your normal shopping if you don't care about what kind of phone you get. some of them are even relatively good basic smartphones. (for specifics, maybe comb through ETAPrime on YouTube; he reviews a bunch of pre-paid smartphones, though usually focusing on how well they play games.)
posted by mrg at 9:03 AM on May 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Yup. Just go into Target or Wal-Mart and pick up a phone + sim kit. Some 7-11's also have prepaid burner phones.

If you are by a T-Mobile store, they also sell pre-paid phones + sims, but their phones may be more expensive than what you need.
posted by spinifex23 at 9:20 AM on May 23, 2022

Mint Mobile has cheap pay-as-you-plans, but there will be many options. And you can sell it when the new phone arrives. Ask around; a friend might have a working phone you could buy a SIM for.
posted by theora55 at 9:33 AM on May 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Trying to understand the situation: it sounds like you are saying your phone broke, and simultaneously and coincidentally your SIM card stopped working at exactly the same time?

That sounds...unusual and I wonder if you've misunderstood the SIM card situation. Are you sure you can't just put your SIM into another phone?

I would ask one my friends if they have an old phone they aren't using, put the SIM card in that phone, and limp along with it for a few days.

Another approach: most modern phones now have eSIM capabilities, so you can sign up for new service (with a new phone number) basically instantaneously. For example About eSIM on iPhone
posted by soylent00FF00 at 2:52 PM on May 23, 2022

If you're with a wireless provider with nearby physical storefronts, that'd probably be my first port of call, as they should be able to get you set up with all of the needed hardware (including the SIM) to get you going again. If not, then the recommendation about getting a cheap pay-as-you-go phone is what I'd go with.
posted by Aleyn at 3:47 PM on May 23, 2022

It also might be worth reaching out to your network to see if anyone has an old phone floating around...
posted by oceano at 4:10 PM on May 24, 2022

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