Gladiola Me
April 21, 2022 4:24 PM   Subscribe

Gardners of AskMe: what is the best way to plant 25 gladiola corms?

I do not have anything like a green thumb, but a fit of exuberance, I ordered a box of gladiola corms. I love gladiolas and would like to grow my own. The last time I tried, though, only one came up. This time, I would like them to survive.

I live in zone 9. Please explain to me the best way to plant them (if now even is the right time to plant them. What should I do with the corms if it's too late?) I want to plant them in front of a a south-facing wall. (The previous bunch were planted in a bed that is cool in the morning, but frying by evening because that was when the light hit it.) The soil in the new area is very dry, and very sandy. Puddles do not form in this area when it rains. Currently, at the far corner of this wall, there are a few lilies that bloom this time every year, just to give you an idea of what likes to grow there. I also had a type of clerodendrum (?) bush in there as well, which did well, but it is gone now. At least I am fairly certain that it was a clerodendrum bush, based on pictures.

If this sounds really like I don't know what I'm talking about, it's because I don't know what I'm talking about.

Thank you!
posted by Crystal Fox to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I’m an avid gardener who is neither in zone 9 nor has planted gladiolus in recent memory. I loved the enthusiasm in your post and it is much deserved for those beautiful flowers!

I googled a bit for “gladiolus zone 9” and read a few articles with a gardener’s eye. This one looks good and I think covers everything you need to know. I say, go ahead and plant them even if it’s mid April (have they sprouted a bit? It’s OK, sink em anyway!) The author suggests stakes to keep them upright… I’ll bet you can either hold off on getting those supports til they’ve come up, or find other ways to prop up the tall plants.

Maybe that’s enough to get started? I hope you have a wonderful growing season!
posted by Sublimity at 6:00 AM on April 22, 2022

I'm in zone 5. I set out a couple of dozen glads every 2 weeks through August. Last year, I cut the last of the flowers in mid-late October.
posted by she's not there at 9:35 AM on April 24, 2022

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