I want to print a collage poster with ~29 images whyyyyy is this hard
April 16, 2022 2:31 PM   Subscribe

Help me find the thing? I must be doing something wrong. I have 29 digital photos. I want to have them printed as a horizontally oriented collage poster. This poster would be a grid, with all same size photos.

I can't seem to find anything that would accommodate! I see options for 25 squares, but I don't want to lose that many. I could sacrifice ONE of my photos, for a total of 28 in the collage, if I could find a collage option that would do 4 rows of 7. Or I could find one additional photo, if I could find an option for 5 rows of 6. But I can't seem to find any of those. Can you?

Black background would be ideal.
posted by fingersandtoes to Shopping (2 answers total)
Pretty sure you could do this on Canva using grids. Set up a custom document of the size required. Then on the menu on the left choose Elements and go down to grids. I don’t think it goes up to 28 or 30 in a single grid, but you can drop multiple grids on the same document to make up enough, and resize them as needed.

Then upload your photos and drop them into each box, resize/move within the box if required.

It’ll have white lines between each pic, and if you use more than one grid you’ll have to place them yourself to be an appropriate distance apart to create a matching white line between them. If you don’t want white lines, you could just drop each photo onto the document yourself without grids.
posted by penguin pie at 2:55 PM on April 16, 2022 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: about 30 seconds after I posted this question, I found collage.com, which will take any number of photos you want to give it, and arrange them either in grids or with an algorithm that adjusts sizes to accommodate the shape of the original photo (which is awesome for stuff that is cropped) and then ship you the poster.
posted by fingersandtoes at 3:16 PM on April 16, 2022 [7 favorites]

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