Looking for a picture from an old UFO book
April 2, 2022 11:15 AM   Subscribe

There was a picture I saw as a kid in a UFO or 'unexplained mysteries' book that I'm trying to track down. I saw it sometime between '82-'86, but I believe it may have been taken in the early 70's, so the publication date would be sometime between ~'72-'86ish. I believe it was one of those books with a picture section separate from the main text, and either the last or second to last picture in that section. Google is turning up nothing, could someone check their UFO books for me? The picture was taken on board an airplane.

The picture was taken from the right side of the plane and shows the left side, with the door of the plane open and the front row or two of passengers. There is a huge glowing light source in the open doorway, and a ball of light on the floor in front of it. The passengers are looking in random directions, strangely, and I thought it must be retouched, but the rays of light looked real (with little rainbow gleams and such, (obvious even in black and white) not fuzzy rays like with an airbrush.) There was...something...in the ball of light on the floor. If someone has a bunch of UFO books and remembers this picture I'd appreciate it if you could post it somewhere or remind me of the title/author. Pretty sure it was a BandW photo and most likely a paperback. Thanks! :)
posted by sexyrobot to Grab Bag (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
This may not be the same thing that you are remembering, but the X-Files season 4 (1997), episodes 17 and 18 ("Tempus Fugit" and "Max") feature an abductee, Max Fenig, as well as other people, being taken away from a plane by a bright light that opens the plane door to float the person away, as witnessed from inside the plane. Maybe the show's writers saw the same image you saw and were inspired by it? For what it's worth, a French TV mini-series from 2007 also features a similar premise of people being abducted aboard a plane by a "light", and the scene being viewed from inside the fuselage.

Do let us know if you find out! I'm curious to see this picture after all.....
posted by Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... at 8:07 PM on April 3, 2022

Ooops! I forgot to mention the name of the French TV series: It was "Mystère", originally played on TF1.....
posted by Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... at 9:37 AM on April 4, 2022

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