Is my signed copy valuable?
March 21, 2022 9:41 AM   Subscribe

I have a poster for David Macaulay's Great Moments in Architecture...

...signed beneath the author's printed name, as in this picture. I always assumed that the signature was part of the poster but now I'm not so sure because almost all the images of the poster I can find online are unsigned, and the one image I can find that is signed has a slightly different signature than mine (unfortunately I can't take a picture of mine to prove that, as it is away being framed). On the other hand, the signature on mine appears to be part of the poster insofar as it's completely flat, and appears to be the same black ink used for the rest of the poster. How can I find more information? It would make a big difference to me if Macaulay had hand-signed the picture.
posted by ubiquity to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Response by poster: I give up. If anyone reads this in the future and knows something about my question, please me-mail me.
posted by ubiquity at 7:58 AM on April 4, 2022

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