What is the title of that poem? What is the title of that book?
January 4, 2022 4:33 PM   Subscribe

I am trying to figure out the titles of two (unrelated) works I read some years ago -- one -- a poem, one -- a novel. Details inside.

1. The poem was based on a real newspaper article (I think) -- about kids walking home in a rural area. The little boy getting his foot stuck in a railroad track, his slightly older sister tries to help him get unstuck before the train gets there but is not able to get him free, so she lies down next to him and hugs him and they die together.

2. I only remember one vague episode/detail from this book -- I think the book was some kind of Jewish-themed historical/magical realism (like something that Marge Piercy might have written -- but it's not Marge Piercy). The female protagonist somehow lost her child when she was young (I think she was pressured to abort?) and somehow through magical means she gets this child to come back to her -- the child is not really a human creature, more like a magical entity, and I remember that she keeps this child in a drawer in her room. Eventually she releases it.

Any suggestions about either of these would be very much appreciated!
posted by virve to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Is the novel "Beloved" by Toni Morrison?
posted by brainwane at 8:02 PM on January 4, 2022

Response by poster: It's definitely not "Beloved"
posted by virve at 8:36 PM on January 4, 2022

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