How fast/reliable is TSA's lost and found?
November 5, 2021 1:34 PM   Subscribe

I left a laptop at the TSA checkpoint by mistake. I've filed a lost and found on their site, but I can't find any information on what to expect afterwards. What's the process like? How long does it take? Do they usually find the items?
posted by LSK to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
Just an info point. My husband left his iPad Pro at TSA in Dallas. He had to pay $30 to submit a lost and found request (including a questionnaire with serial number, etc). They did not recover his iPad.
posted by kimdog at 2:06 PM on November 5, 2021

Can you or a trustee go back to that airport?
And maybe check the airport website for a person to call for assistance.
posted by calgirl at 5:49 PM on November 5, 2021

My local airport has its own online ‘crowd-find’ system and it posts photos of found items that you can claim by providing identifying information. This seems to be in addition to any TSA reporting process.
posted by calgirl at 5:58 PM on November 5, 2021

They found and returned a Kindle of mine. It took a few weeks and it was annoying (when I went to the airport to pick it up during their listed hours, the office was closed, so I had to instead email them a prepaid shipping envelope), but I got it back. Also worth filing something with the airport, definitely.
posted by unreadyhero at 6:41 PM on November 5, 2021

Response by poster: Update for future reference: I got an email saying they had found it! I think the reason this happened so quickly was that it had identifying features and I reported it very quickly after losing it.

Now getting it is another challenge altogether, since they're only open 8-5 on business days and it's Friday night, but it's good to know it's in a known position and I hope anyone else Googling this a year from now sees this and is at least a bit reassured.
posted by LSK at 6:58 PM on November 5, 2021 [9 favorites]

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