Help me find this mystery perfume of the late 1990s
October 8, 2021 7:47 AM   Subscribe

I used to own an amazing perfume that I purchased from Sephora around 1997-1999. It is now out of production and the (possibly misremembered!) name of the perfume turns up a lot of other scents. Please help me determine the perfume line and/or the actual name of the scent - I'd like to search out old bottles for myself.

* Possible name: Orangerie (l'orangerie)

* Scent: Peeling an orange in an incense-filled temple

* Bottle and packaging: The bottle was a rectangle with sharp diagonal edges and had a screw cap that looked like bronze or copper. The box was distinctive; it looked like a book. The whole series was often displayed lined up like books in an old library.
posted by gathfach to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Oooh ooh I know this one because I still use "OCEANE" in the same vein. Originally bought at Anthropologie, but many scents are available still through Amazon (of course) or Smallflower. The maker is L'Aromarine (but it looks like they are now called Outremer). That should get you on the right track!

Edited to add: This site shows the iconography of the bottles better.
posted by nkknkk at 7:52 AM on October 8, 2021 [7 favorites]

Do you know about LuckyScent? They're a boutique perfume shop started by two architects, and sometimes I go to read the descriptions just to revel in the language - your description feels similarly evocative.

If you aren't able to find a bottle of what you're looking for (or even if you are!), they might be able to help find similar fragrances. They also offer samples, which is incredibly helpful for trying at a reasonable price point, and have a brick-and-mortar in... LA, I believe.
posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 9:28 AM on October 8, 2021 [1 favorite]

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