Nice art books for Kindle
September 3, 2021 6:43 PM   Subscribe

I am looking for recommendations for art books that "work" on the e-ink Kindle, Paperwhite preferred but those that work on older Kindles would be OK

I have two Kindles, though I don't use the older one - I favor the Paperwhite. The resolution of the screen is nice enough that I think there should be greyscale or black-and-white books of art for it, from pen-and-ink drawings, to sumi-e, or other techniques.

What art books have you found, if any, that work on an e-ink Kindle? I'm not looking for comics - I have nothing against them, but they're not the kind of art this question is about.
posted by TimHare to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
This is not really an art book, but Edith Wharton’s book On the Decoration of Houses is available for free on Project Gutenberg and has B&W illustrations (engravings, IIRC) and an opinionated design perspective.
posted by momus_window at 8:07 AM on September 4, 2021

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