Sell Japanese Prints
July 22, 2021 5:15 PM   Subscribe

I have to sell about a dozen Japanese prints. I have no idea of their value and want to do this quickly and with as little effort as possible. I live in the SF Bay Area and prefer dealing with this one time in person. I do not need to maximize income but do need to do basic due diligence regarding selling them for their appropriate value. Where do I go/what do I do?
posted by latkes to Shopping (3 answers total)
Tokaido Arts in SF's Japantown, maybe? Or google your town+"japanese art dealer".
posted by sebastienbailard at 8:05 PM on July 22, 2021

Contact Sothebys. They will give tell you exactly what you have, with no obligation to sell. Do not trust an independent dealer to appraise your property.
posted by mani at 2:42 AM on July 23, 2021 [3 favorites]

Do not trust an independent dealer to appraise your property

This is an outrageous statement. Of course there are some dishonest art and antique dealers, as in any profession. But the great majority can be trusted to give you an honest appraisal. Many are in the business because they have a genuine passion for it. And the trade is regulated by professional bodies like the International Fine Print Dealers Association which require their members to follow a code of ethical practice.

If you have no idea of their value and want to deal with this quickly, I suggest you just email a few specialist dealers, enclosing photographs, and ask them for a ballpark estimate. That should give you a sense of whether these are low-value, medium-value or high-value items, which is the basic 'triage' you need to do before deciding how to proceed. As a rule, auctioneers like Sothebys will only be interested in high-end material. So it saves time to do the triage first.
posted by verstegan at 9:44 AM on July 23, 2021

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