On returning to the gym
May 7, 2021 4:14 AM   Subscribe

UK Mefites - are any of you going to the gym? What have your experiences of using the gym been at this point during the pandemic?

Gyms are recently opening up where I live, except my three local gyms are all completely unventilated. None of them have windows.

As far as I can tell the rules are, you can take off your mask while exercising but at all other points keep them on. But I feel like this still sounds like it would be quite unsafe, if like the person using the treadmill beside you was puffing heavily or something. At the same time, I have asthma and doing anything remotely active while wearing a mask is very challenging for me.

I am fully vaccinated, but like I said I do have asthma, and I still want to be careful of Covid, and of passing anything on. Is going back to the gym at this point a good idea? What have your experiences been?
posted by unicorn chaser to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've been going to the gym (in the UK) and absolutely nobody wears masks at all, at any point, which surprised me.

At my gym, every second machine is blocked off, so you never really have anyone within close proximity. People also seem to be good at wiping down the equipment.
posted by iamsuper at 4:20 AM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]

No, I am not, and will not be for the foreseeable future. I am sticking to outside exercise and then perhaps from June, an indoor circuits training class once a week in a large gym hall (2 x badminton courts) with good ventilation, significant spacing between stations, and limited numbers. I am at the more cautious end of the spectrum.
posted by dowcrag at 9:08 AM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]

I have been back to my gym whenever it's been open during the last year. The gym has enforced a booking system that controls the numbers in the facility at any one time and you get just under an hour to exercise. Masks are required in the communal, reception and non-workout areas, there's been no circuit training or indoor classes, just the machines and free weights. As per iamsuper's observation, most people have wiped down pretty conscientiously with the sanitizing wipes and sprays provided. The machines have been rearranged so that they are more widely spaced and people aren't working directly opposite anyone else. My gym has put up screens between the treadmills and cross-trainers, and the staff wear masks all the time.

From a personal perspective, I was nervous going back the first time (and my gym doesn't have windows either), not so much now. People have been pretty considerate of each other, by standing away if talking, taking care with wiping down and observing distances when queuing. There's thought gone into the rearrangement of the layout and the constant cleaning and sanitising being carried out by staff. All in all, I don't feel unsafe.

One thing I have done, though, is chosen to book sessions as early as possible in the mornings, on the basis that the area will have been cleaned overnight and I'll be the first one using my station before any bugs are laid down. Just that little change in routine really helped my anxiety, although getting to the gym for 6.30am over the winter was somewhat bracing.
posted by Martha My Dear Prudence at 12:57 PM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]

I just went back for the first time this morning, as I just reached the two-week point after my second vaccination. Masks are required at all times except when actively exercising, swimming or showering, and everyone I saw was compliant. You have to book a time to come exercise but the manager told me today they are not strict about enforcing that currently, as it hasn't been very crowded, but that may change as more people start returning. The only place they are strict about that is the pool, as there are only four lanes so they take booking more seriously there.

They have some of the lockers taped off to facilitate social distancing, and every other shower stall is off limits so there is some distance there. The drinking fountain in the women's locker room was taped off. There used to be a water cooler on the gym floor, but I didn't go in there so I don't know if that has been removed. It might be a good idea to bring your own water just in case. They also had removed all the guest supplies from the locker rooms such as cotton swabs, deodorant wipes, tissues, blow dryers, etc.

I swam today, and all four lanes were occupied. I feel like we were just barely six feet apart and unmasked, obviously.

A lot of what they are doing seems more like "safety theater" than anything, but on the upside it wasn't very crowded, so it wasn't hard to keep distance for the most part. I've been pretty cautious this whole year, and this feels quite a bit less cautious to me. I'm putting a lot of faith in this vaccine.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 2:14 PM on May 7, 2021

Our tiny village gym has opened for a small number of people at a time and no classes. The staff apparently wipe down machines between each bookable 45 minute session. I have not been back yet. It’s just too small a space for me to feel comfortable sharing it with heavy-breathing strangers, windows or no windows. Maybe a couple of weeks after my second vaccine…
posted by fabius at 5:41 AM on May 9, 2021 [1 favorite]

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