Understanding Hong Kong
March 19, 2006 7:56 AM   Subscribe

Resources on cultural ideas/identities/images of Hong Kong. Not for travel, for a kind of research. What City of Quartz does for LA, what Maximum City does for Mumbai. What does that for HK?

If there's something online, even better -- it doesn't have to be in-depth, it's more something that slices HK along the lines of its everyday life, whatever that means.
posted by cloudscratcher to Travel & Transportation around , Hong Kong (1 answer total)
Mid-Tokyo Maps is, obviously, mostly about Tokyo, but it does have a bit of Hong Kong- and New York- specific content in the form of interactive "Week in the Life" maps. The site is a few years old but still fascinating if you like dreaming about cities.
posted by Gortuk at 11:03 AM on March 19, 2006

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