Let's Play Together
March 18, 2006 3:46 AM   Subscribe

What are fun, real-time game things to play over the internet? I'm in a long distance relaionship and wanting some new things to do together while we're apart. This site is a great example, where two people can draw together on the same page. Anything remotely like this would be great.
posted by twirlypen to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Try the MSN Messenger or similar...
Two or more people can draw and share pictures in real time like the website you have shown..
You can also play games, video chat, send eachother screen shakes, various winks and etc...

I too had a long distance thing with some one... these tools sort a helped us to date and kill time...

Take a lot of digital pictures during the day so you can show the other what you are up to ... the other person will enjoy all those pictures.... and encourage the other to do the same.... (just taking a picture of food you ate that weekend is more interesting than just talk on the phone)

good luck...
posted by curiousleo at 4:03 AM on March 18, 2006

Yahoo Pool is a lot of fun.
posted by Orange Goblin at 4:44 AM on March 18, 2006

For something a little more involved than simple web games, there's always MMO gaming à la World of Warcraft or Second Life (recently discussed here).
posted by Pryde at 6:05 AM on March 18, 2006

If you like drawing together, you might like online Pictionary.
posted by greatgefilte at 10:42 AM on March 18, 2006

Yahoo Ganes actually has a pretty decent amount of multiplayer games, most of which you can do with only two players. There are original games and popular favorites. Some of them are named differently to avoid copyright issues, for instance Naval Command is the same as Battleship. I'm in a similar situation and we've spent a lot of time doing these. You can also chat in the game window, which is convenient.

The games do get a little boring after a while, and we recently found a great game that has unfortunately been taken offline, so I will be watching this thread for further suggestions as well.
posted by viachicago at 4:24 PM on March 18, 2006

Puzzle Pirates is really good, although it does cost monthly if you want the advanced features. You can try it out on a basic level absolutely free.

Upshot: you're playing pirates, crewing piraty-type vessels. You are pillaging the seas for booty. Each vessel needs a number of people to crew it. Each crewmember serves in a different position, playing a different puzzle game. How well you do on your particular job directly affects the ship.

For instance, if you're playing Sailing and you're doing well, the vessel will gain speed very quickly, making it easier to catch up to the juicy targets. This is related to Bilging... a good bilge crew keeps the ship light and serves as a multiplier for sailing.

During combat, the gunnery crew becomes important; the speed at which they can load the guns determines how often your ship can fire.

Once the ships have battled it out on the open seas awhile, one or the other will close to grapple. When that happens, everyone gets put into the same puzzle, Swordfighting. Swordfighting is kind of like Tetris, only you send blocks you break to your opponent... you're trying to overwhelm them. It's team Tetris.... your team against the opposite team.

Against NPCs, this is usually only of moderate difficulty, but if you take on player characters, things can get right nasty. :)

Definitely a fun game. Worth checking out.
posted by Malor at 5:41 PM on March 18, 2006

When we are away from eachother, my husband and I will spend time together on Skype, chatting and browsing the web together, talking about news on Drudge, laughing at the photoshop threads on Fark, etc.

We also play lots of games, and will spend part of the time actively looking for new two-player flash games, or competing to see who can find a new and fun game that we then play together. We have been keen on fastr for a little while, as it can get pretty competitive and the pictures offer lots of topics for discussion.

Have fun!
posted by gemmy at 6:51 PM on March 18, 2006

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