Can anyone translate this song from Swedish for me?
June 6, 2020 6:48 AM   Subscribe

I really like the song Idag by Daniel Ogren.. unfortunately there are no Swedish lyrics online and I don't trust myself to just type them out phonetically to translate them. Does anyone speak Swedish who could give it a go for me?
posted by Roger Schredderer to Writing & Language (3 answers total)
Best answer: Here is quick attempt at transcribing and translating the song. There where a few places where I was unsure about the lyrics, and translating lyrics is always tricky, but not be too far off:

började i hörnen, rörde sig längs väggen ända fram
started in the corners, moved along the wall till the end

allting måste synas, ingenting får synas och bli kvar
everything must be seen, nothing must be seen and remain

ingenting får glömmas eller gömmas under locken eller lämnas till nån annan
nothing must be forgotten or hidden under covers or left to someone else

ingenting får glömmas eller gömmas under locken eller lämnas till nån annan
nothing must be forgotten or hidden under lids or left to someone else

överspelat bläck har blivit intorkade fläckar över bordet och på väggen över ryggarna och benen
spattered ink have become dried spots on the table and on the wall over the backs and the legs

överblivet ljus har tatuerats över bänkarna och plankorna har bleknat
leftover light have been tattooed over the benches and the plans have faded

dom argsinta har veknat
the angry have weakened

och dom lägger sig på sängarna och öppnar sina ansikten och vilar sina händer vilar sina händer
and they lie down on the beds and open their faces and rest their hands rest their hands

och dom lägger sig på sängarna och öppnar sina ansikten och vilar sina händer
and the lie down on the beds and open their faces and rest their hands

om det ska fram så kommer det fram
if it should be revealed it will be revealed

idag, idag, idag, idag, idag
today, today, today, today, today

började i hörnen, rörde sig längs väggen ända fram
started in the corners, moved along the wall till the end

allting måste synas, ingenting får synas och bli kvar
everything must be seen, nothing must be seen and be left

ingenting får glömmas eller gömmas under locken eller lämnas till nån annan
nothing must be forgotten or hidden under lids or left to someone else

ingenting får glömmas eller gömmas under locken eller lämnas till nån annan
nothing must be forgotten or hidden under lids or left to someone else

om det ska fram så kommer det fram
if it should be revealed it will be revealed

idag, idag, idag, idag, idag
today, today, today, today, today
posted by rpn at 7:58 AM on June 6, 2020 [7 favorites]

överblivet ljus har tatuerats över bänkarna och plankorna har bleknat
leftover light have been tattooed over the benches and the plans have faded

Isn't plankorna the planks? (I.e. of the benches)? (Maybe plans here is a typo).
posted by lollusc at 10:46 PM on June 6, 2020

Response by poster: Thank you so much! Incredibly helpful.
posted by Roger Schredderer at 12:36 AM on June 7, 2020

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