Recommend to me a gas mask.
June 2, 2020 9:28 AM   Subscribe

I want to purchase a gas mask suitable for protection from tear gas. My reading leads me to believe that an NBC mask with a 40 mm fitting for the filter is what I want. If that is correct (and please correct me if I am wrong) what is the best brand and source (non-Amazon, please) for this item?

I'd love to have a Israeli civilian kit, but these seem to be available only from sketchy places. Is a NOS expired mask an option? Cost isn't exactly an issue, but it's not not an issue either.
posted by donpardo to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
IANYIndustrialHygienist, and there are lots of caveats here:
- Respirators should be saved for use by medical personnel and first responders during a pandemic.
- They will not provide any protection for those around you from coronavirus, unlike a cloth face covering.
- To work effectively, the wearer should undergo a fit test and training to ensure that the respirator fits properly and it is worn correctly.
- It seems like tear gas can be any one of various chemicals so there is no guarantee that this will work.
I am not sure what your abbreviations NBC and NOS mean. For protection from unknown gases, I would look for a full face respirator such as these from Grainger , and pair them with a combination cartridge and P100 filter of the same brand. For example, with a Honeywell respirator, use Honeywell cartridges such as this.
posted by sizeable beetle at 11:10 AM on June 3, 2020

Response by poster: NBC = Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
NOS = New Old Stock, aka never worn, but expired.
posted by donpardo at 1:18 PM on June 3, 2020

Response by poster: From the Department of Answering My Own Question: Here is a document from the International Women's Media Foundation listing their recommendations for journalists covering protests:​oNpQO4a2dQDRRxJ08RAPJ6M9CkhkcV1A/edit

Still open to other suggestions.
posted by donpardo at 5:01 PM on June 3, 2020

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